Umbilical Cord Hemangioma

Umbilical Cord Hemangioma
Gross and histologic features of this lesion are identical to those described as “hemangioma,” however “angiomyxoma” is a preferable term as current practice restricts the term “hemangioma” to infantile capillary proliferations that express glucose transporter 1.
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“First of all, I would like to congratulate the authors for the wonderful images and for the pathology review. I agree with Dr. Cagan that another correct terminology is angiomyxoma, this term being used by a large number of authors. These tumors appear sonographically as a focal hyperechogenic area of the cord with adjacent hypoechoic pseudocystic formations due to edema and myxomatous degeneration of the Wharton's jelly. Because of the prominence of myxoid material in the vascular proliferation, Bernischke and Dodds have called these tumors angiomyxomas [1].
[1] Benirschke K, Dodds JP. Angiomyxoma of the umbilical cord with atrophy of an umbilical artery. Obstet Gynecol. 1967 Jul;30(1):99-102. PMID: 6027492.”
[1] Benirschke K, Dodds JP. Angiomyxoma of the umbilical cord with atrophy of an umbilical artery. Obstet Gynecol. 1967 Jul;30(1):99-102. PMID: 6027492.”