Ventricular septal defect Alaattin Kacar, MD; Mehmet Uslu, MD; Yalcýn Daglýoz, MD; Halil Kocaaga, MD Article Published: Jun 22, 2007 Balikesir, Turkey. Here are a few second trimester images of a fetus with ventricular septal defect. Images 1, 2: Four-chamber views of the heart showing small ventricular septal defect. Images 3, 4: Color Doppler scans at the level of four-chamber (image 3) and five-chamber view (image 4) showing flow at the level of the ventricular septal defect. Image 5: Five chamber view of the heart with small ventricular septal defect. Discussion Board Start a discussion about this article Add to Favorites Favorite