CHU Pontoise, France
This is 32-week fetus referred for cephalocele. The ultrasound revels and homogeneous echogenic mass measuring 22 x 19 mm located on the left frontoparietal region.
A subcutaneous venous vessel (Doppler) from the frontal region vascularizes the mass that presents small vascular echoes without detectable flow. No defect in the skull, only a small depression in front of this mass, the brain appears normal.
We concluded that this lesion could either be an epidermoid cyst of the scalp (but too homogenous and echogenic) or more likely a hamartoma with vascular component or angioma of the scalp.
A 3900 g girl was born in breech presentation and doing well. She underwent surgery at 3 months. The pathology was "Venous and capillary angioma". There have been no further complications for two years.