Schematic illustration of the arches in the upper mediastinum transverse section. T-trachea, SVC- superior vena cava, MPA- main pulmonary artery. S-spine
Prognosis: According to the data from 150,000 deliveries in our region, the estimated risk for a symptomatic vascular ring is 1 in 7500 children. Based on our sonographic findings, it seems that nearly 90% of children with a vascular ring are asymptomatic and therefore unknown. Most symptomatic patients have respiratory symptoms that consist of stridor, cough, wheezing or combination of these symptoms. About one-third of patients also have dysphagia or evidence of poor feeding.
Associated anomalies: In our fetuses, we did find other structural anomalies. However, according to the literature there is an incidence of 7-28% of associated anomalies, mainly, heart defects.
Recurrence risk: There is one report on two sisters with a vascular ring.
Implication for targeted examinations: Diagnosis is accomplished via barium esophagogram, CT, MRI and echocardiogram of the vascular branching patterns.
Management: In symptomatic cases, the treatment is usually thoracotomy and excision, ligation or reimplantation of the aberrant vessel.
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