*Hôpital Félix Guyon, #Saint Clotild clinic, $Moufia street, SAINT DENIS, Reunion Island, France
This patient was sent to our unit for metrorrhagia. This was her second pregnancy. We performed a sonography at 36 weeks and we found an anterior placenta. There was another lobe (posterior localization) and between these two, a vasa previa. A velamentous insertion of the cord was inserted behind the cervix (Figure 1). We performed a 3D sonography (Figure 2, 3, 4, 5). A low transverse cesarean section was performed through the anterior placenta. We discovered another lobe and a velamentous cord insertion (Figure 6.7). The baby was safe with no fetal hemorrhage.
Figure 1: 2D view (sagittal view) showing the vasa previa