CHU Pontoise, France
A 25-year-old patient, G3, P2, is treated by her physician for a varicella at 9 weeks 2 days of gestational age.
An amniocentesis performed at 19 gestational weeks, shows the presence of a viral DNA in the amniotic fluid, suggesting a fetal infection. The alpha fetoprotein was at 1194mg/1 (n < 3250 mg/1); acetylcholinesterase is normal. The patient was given antiviral treatments (valacyclovir), for 15 days (1g of Zelitrex 3 times per day).
An ultrasound performed at 20 weeks 3 days demonstrates slight bilateral pyelectasis at 4.8mm and 5.0mm (Figure 2) and bright bowel (Figure****) less echogenic than adjacent bones. The biometry is normal, between the 30th and 40th percentile. Ten days later, at 21 weeks 4 days, neither the pyelectasis, nor the bright bowels are visible.