
Jayprakash Shah, MD.

Rajni Hospital, Ahmedabad, India.

Case report

This is 21-year-old primigravida presented at 18th week of pregnancy. Our ultrasound investigation revealed dysplastic left kidney enlargement, but normal appearance of the left kidney. Within the urinary bladder we could observe a cystic structure supporting the diagnosis of the ureterocele. Fetal growth and the amniotic fluid amount were normal. The findings did not change during pregnancy and the baby was delivered at 37th week of pregnancy (birth weight 2.8 kg). The baby is followed up by neonatologists.

Images 1, 2: 2D sonography at 18th week of pregnancy. Image 1 shows urinary bladder with tiny membrane inside corresponding to the ureterocele. Image 2 shows dilated dysplastic left kidney enlargement and normal appearance of the right kidney.


Images 3, 4: Image 3 shows urinary bladder with "cystic" structure inside corresponding with ureterocele. Image 4 - 3D image showing urinary bladder and enlarged left kidney above.



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