True knot of the umbilical cord

Lilit Hovsepyan

Erebouni Medical Center, Armenia.

Case report
A 27 year-old woman (G1P0) came to our institution for routine ultrasound at 28 weeks of gestation.
During the  examination we revealed a true knot of the umbilical cord.

Cesarean section at 38 weeks was performed. The baby was healthy (3650.0 gr.) and no other anomalies were found.

Images 1-6: 2D and color doppler images of the umbilical cord showing a true knot.
Image 1A
Image 1B
Image 2
Image 4B
Image 3A
Image 3B

Images 7 and 8: 3D and postnatal images of the umbilical cord confirming the prenatal diagnosis of true knot.
Image 5A
Image 5B

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