Trisomy 13 with sacrococcygeal teratoma

Fernando Heredia, MD

This is a 35-week stillborn. The mother was referred for severe preeclampsia in the third trimester and the prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 13.

The baby was delivered by a C-section due to a giant sacrococcygeal teratoma.

The baby's physical examination revealed the following anomalies:

  1. Midfacial defects
    1. Cyclopia
    2. Proboscis
    3. Microstomia
  2. Flat facial profile
  3. Hypoplastic low set ears
  4. Scalp defects
  5. Short neck
  6. Left foot polydactyly
  7. Sacrococcygeal teratoma

Flat facial profile and hypoplastic low set ears

t13flat profile

Scalp defects

t13 scalp defects

Short neck

Left foot polydactyly

t13 polidactily

Sacrococcygeal teratoma

t13 sct
t13full size

The karyotype

t13 ordpresent

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