* Universidad del Valle ** Centro Medico Imbanaco Diagnostico Prenatal, Cali, Colombia
This is a 21-year-old primigravida, referred to our unit at 27 weeks due to a discordance between the gestational age and the uterine measurement and poor fetal movements. An arthrogryposis or pterygium syndrome was suspected. In our evaluation the ultrasound findings were:
severe growth restriction
hypokinetic fetus
joint contractures in hands
macrocephaly without hydrocephaly
single umbilical artery
normal bladder
Amniotic fluid index in the lower limit for gestational age
placenta slightly hyperechogenic.
An aneuploidy was suspected. We recommend a cordocentesis to confirm the diagnosis and the karyotype was 69,XXX. The baby was stillborn at 39 weeks (1350g).
Note the joint contractures