Tricuspid atresia Fabrice Cuillier, MD Article Published: Apr 1, 2004 Department of Gynecology, Félix Guyon Hospital, 97400 Saint-Denis, Réunion Island, France. These are 2 fetuses with tricuspid atresia. The first one is a 24 week fetus: Figure 1: Thin pulmonary artery and hypoplastic right ventricle  Figure 2: Normal view of the left ventricle outflow tract. Hypoplastic right ventricle and pulmonary artery. Figure 3: View of the ductal arch. Figure 4: Main pulmonary artery. Figure 5: Enlarged right atriun, superior and inferior cava veins And the second fetus is at 27 weeks: Figure 1: Four-chambers view showing an hypoplastic right ventricle Figure 2: Relation between the left and right ventricles. Note the hyperechoic tricuspid valve and the very tiny right ventricle. Figure 3: Outlow tracts of the left and right ventricle Figure 4: Relation between the aorta and the pulmonary artery Figure 5: Right atrium, superior and inferior cava veins Discussion Board Start a discussion about this article Add to Favorites Favorite