There are also 2 video clips available that show the proximity of both cord insertions and how the acardic fetus moved it's feet.
Video clip-1 Video clip-2
After discussing the situation with both parents, we performed a percutaneous intra fetal embolization with absolute ethylic alcohol. The procedure was guided by Doppler ultrasound. No previous amniodrainage was performed nor digitalin were given to the mother.
This is the video clip which shows all the process of embolization and the "white out effect†with interruption of the acardic's circulation.
The pump twin showed a transient bradycardia, which lasted only 3 minutes. (1st minute: 45 - 60 b.p.m.; 2nd minute: 55 - 80 b.p.m.; 3rd minute 115-130 b.p.m.) No other immediate heart failure signs after the procedure appeared. 8 hours later the pump twin remained alive, with normal umbilical artery doppler. However, 15 hours later, the pump twin was found dead.
Labor was induced and 10 hours later both fetuses were vaginally delivered with no complications for the mother. The acardic fetus weighted 450 gr and the pump twin 480 gr. The placenta weighted 500 gr.
Pathological analysis of the pump twin's cord showed acute sclerosis signs which confirmed our suspicion that alcohol was also delivered to the normal twin thus resulting on his death.