20 de noviembre 184, Santiago Ixc. Nayarit México. CP: 63300
This is a fetus at 34 weeks gestation with Thanatophoric dysplasia, type I. The mother is a 30-year-old woman, G2P1 with an unremarakble medical history. She had a previously healthy child. Her scan showed polyhydramnios and discordance in fetal biometry. The parameters recorded were:
Femur length: 20.5 mm
Humerus length: 24 mm
Foot length: 55 mm
Abdominal circumference: 331 mm
Thoracic circumference: 225 mm
Left kidney length: 41 mm
Antenatal scans and postnatal photographs are shown:
Chest to abdomen discrepancy (both scans are not at the same scale)