*Â Â Ultrasound Division, ASL Roma B, Rome, Italy.
**Â Reparto di ostetricia e ginecologia, Ospedale Fatebenefratelli San Pietro Rome, Italy.
*** Ultrasound Division, Ceprano Hospital, Ceprano, Italy.
The succenturiate placenta is a morphological abnormality, in which there is one or multiple accessory placental lobes connected by blood vessels to the main part of the placenta. On gross morphologic examination of the placenta, we can clearly identify two separate portions. The main portion is usually the one, to which the umbilical cord is inserted. Velamentous cord insertion and vasa previa are frequently associated with this placental anomaly, thus identifying cord insertion and checking the lower uterine segment for the presence of a vasa previa is very important.
Case report
We present two cases of succenturiate placenta diagnosed in the third trimester of the pregnancy and confirmed after birth. Images show two separate placental lobes connected by the vessels. We can see the cord insertion to the main placental mass.
Case 1
Images 1,2: 33 weeks, Images show the separate placental lobes.