Sonography of multiple gestations

Jacqueline Reyesó, MD, Luís Flávio de Andrade Gonçalvesõ, MD, Sandra Rejane Silvaö, MD, Philippe Jeantyò, MD, PhD

ó Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Clínica Materno-Fetal, Florianópolis, Brazil
Instituto de Medicina Fetal e Genetica Humana de Sao Paulo, Rua Felix de Sousa 321 - Campo Belo, Sao Paulo - SP – Brazil
Women’s Health Alliance, Nashville, TN 37203-2131, USA

This is a 60 pages chapter on multiple gestations. It requires Adobe Acrobat to read. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat you can download it for free Under Site tools > Programs > Adobe Acrobat.

To download the 3.6 MB chapter, click here. Note that this will take some time to load, do not get the impression nothing happens !

Originally published on ©2000 Philippe Jeanty, MD, PhD, Jacqueline Reyes, MD, Luís Flávio de Andrade Gonçalves, MD, Sandra Rejane Silva, MD. Some images courtesy Gianluigi Pilu, MD. A few drawings adapted from Lifeart from Techpool studio.


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