Situs invertus, abdominal

Cuillier F, MD*, Denies JL, MD**, Lemaire P, MD***, Deshayes M, MD***

2006-06-20-09 Situs invertus © Cuillier

Barcelona, Spain

* Department of Gynecology, FĂ©lix Guyon’Hospital ** Radiologist, republic avenue *** Sonographer, Moufia’street, Ile de la RĂ©union, France

Case report: This is a 30-year-old woman, G3P2, with a fetus presenting with an abdominal situs inversus without other associated anomalies. At 22 weeks the scan revealed the heart located in the right hemithorax and the stomach in the right abdomen. The patient was referred to our unit. A situs inversus totalis (cardiac and visceral situs inversus) was diagnosed. The cardiac anatomy was normal with an atrio-ventricular concordance. The pulmonary veins seemed connected to the left atria. The inferior and superior cava were connected to the right atria. The two ventricles have the same size (the left ventricle was on the right side and the right ventricle was on the left side). The two great vessels seemed normal and emerged respectively from the right ventricle (pulmonary artery) and from the left ventricle (aorta). An amniocentesis was performed at 32 weeks (normal karyotype). The delivery occurred at 36 weeks (2300g). A postnatal echocardiogram confirmed the diagnosis. The baby has a normal development.

Note the stomach and the heart located on the right side of the abdomen in this breech fetus:


Normal four-chamber view and left outflow tract




Postnatal radiography showing the heart and the stomach on the right side



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