situs ambiguous with dextrocardia, transposition of great arteries, cardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connection

situs ambiguous with dextrocardia, transposition of great arteries, cardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connection

Fabien Ho
 on 07/22/2024
 on Monday, July 22nd, 2024
Dear community of the,

About the cardiac malformation :
Since the pulmonary veins drains into the atrium (with left morphology) then into a ventricle (right morphology) then into the aorta : is is like LA -> RV -> Aorta :
Same : SVC and IVC -> LV -> Pulm arteries
Could you call that a corrected Transposition of great arteries ?
French people used to call that double discordance, because atrioventricular discordance + ventriculo arterial discordance.

About the heterotaxy :
to know if it is left of right heterotaxy, need to check the spleen, and IVC.
Basically : polysplenia + IVC interrupted contuing with azygos vein = left isomerism.
Asplenia = right isomerism

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