Radial aplasia, bilateral, 12-21 weeks F Cuillier; D Mardamootoo Article Published: Jan 6, 2013 Department of Gynecology, FĂ©lix GuyonâHospital, 97400 Saint-Denis, Ile de la RĂ©union, France. 3,4 Images 3, 4: 14 weeks of pregnancy; the image 3 shows amniotic band attached to fetal hand; the image 4 shows radial deviation of left fetal hand due to radial aplasia. 6 Images 5, 6: 17 weeks of pregnancy; the images show radial deviation of fetal hands caused by the radial aplasia. 8 Images 7, 8: 19 weeks of pregnancy; the images show radial deviation of fetal hands caused by the radial aplasia. 10 Images 9, 10: 21 weeks of pregnancy; the images show radial deviation of fetal hands caused by the radial aplasia. 12 Images 11, 12: 21 weeks of pregnancy; the images show normal fetal heart (Image 11) and hyperechoic kidneys (Image 12) of the fetus. Image 13: Postnatal radiogram of the newborn confirming bilateral radial aplasia. Discussion Board Start a discussion about this article Add to Favorites Favorite