CHU Pontoise, France
About 10 % of CHD (isolated = 0.8 % for L. Allan)
Sex ratio M/F = 1
Two varieties :
Valvular 90 %
Infundibular 10 %
Etiology: Possible genetic etiology with a recurrent rate of 2-4 %
Small or enlarged (less frequent) pulmonary artery
Thickening and restrictive motion of the pulmonary valve
Thickened interventricular septum
Dilated right ventricle (may be inapparent)
Turbulent flow at the pulmonary valve
Accelerated post stenotic flow
Pulmonary regurgitation (forward flow) if valvular dysplasia
Tricuspid regurgitation (more severe types)
Reversed flow in the ductus arteriosus
Case Report:
Enlarged main pulmonay artery