Preauricular Tags

Francesco Contarin, MD.

Clinica Sanatrix - Caracas - Venezuela.

Case report:

This is a case of 35-year-old patient, G1 P0, with non-contributive personal or familial history. 
Her pregnancy was uneventful.
Ultrasound scan at 35 weeks of gestation revealed the following ultrasound finding. No other anomalies were detected.
The final diagnosis was right preauricular tag.

Image 1-2: Preauricular tags on 3D scan and postnatal appearance.


The isolated preauricular tags were thought to be associated with urinary tract abnormalities. Some recent studies concluded that the prevalence of renal malformations is not any higher than in a normal population unless accompanied by other systemic malformations and preauricular tags can be associated with genetic conditions.

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