Posterior urethral valve

Ghada Mansour,MD, Gasser El- Bishry MD

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology- Special Care center of the fetus- Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt.

Case report:

This patient was referred to us from primary level ultrasound practitioner for a fetal intra-abdominal abdominal cyst at 27 weeks.

Posterior urethral valve was diagnosed with marked urinary tract distention and severe oligohydramnios. 

No other associated anomalies were found.

Figure 1: Dilated bladder and urethra due to posterior urethral valve.


Figure 2: A picture for the bilaterally distended ureters


Figure 3: Dimensions of the urinary bladder and proximal penile urethra


Antenatal pigtail catheter was introduced through the maternal abdomen under sonographic guidance and was settled in the fetal bladder to withdraw urine from the bladder to the amniotic cavity untill delivery.

Figure 4 : Introduction of the trocar through the maternal and fetal abdomens guided by ultrasound.


Figure 5: Catheter inside the urinary bladder and reduction of urine was noticed


Figure 6: Two coils of the pig tail catheter inside the fetal urinary bladder and the free tail noticed outside the fetal abdomen, trocar; guide wire was withdrawn then.


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