This traditional explanation of the origin of adenohypophysis from ectoderm near the stomadeum has been challenged [4] . In birds, there is evidence to suggest that the cells that form Rathke´s pouch are of neuroectodermal origin, arising from the ventral neural ridge [5] , [6] . Pearse et al advanced the view that this would link the adenohypophysis with other structures derived from the neural crest and make it an integral part of the amine-precursor-uptake-decarboxylation (APUD) system.
Associated anomalies: Arachnoid cyst, cystic pituitary adenoma, anencephaly, holoprosencephaly [7] , craniopharyngioma [8] , Rathke's cleft cyst [9] , cephalocele [10] , meningohydroencephalocele [11] and other anomalies of the skull base.
Prenatal diagnosis: Non-reported before.
Prognosis: it depends on the size of the canal and the associated anomalies. It has been reported upper airways obstruction during infancy, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, meningitis, sinusitis, panhypopituitarism, accidental removing of the hypophysis mimicking a midline nasal polyp, neurological symptoms, hydrocephaly [12] .
Arey L The craniopharyngeal canal reviewed and reinterpreted. Anat Record 1950; 106:1-16
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[3] O'Rahilly R. Müller F. Human Embriology and Teratology. Second Edit. Wiley Liss,Inc. USA. 1996:317-20.
[4] Desa D. endocrine Glands. In Gilbert-Barnes E. Potter's Pathology of the fetus and infant. Mosby Year Book,Inc. USA. 1997:1151.
[5] Takor TT, Pearse A. Neuroectodermal origin of avian hypothalamo-hypophyseal complex. The role of ventral neural ridge. J. Embriol Ex Morphol 1975; 34:311-15.
[6] Pearse A, Takot TT. Embriology of the diffuse neuroendocrine system and its relationship to the peptides. Fed Proc 1979;38:228
[7] Kjaer I, Fisher-Hansen B. Human Fetal Pituitary gland in holoprosencephaly and anencephaly. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1995 Oct; 15(4):222-29
[8] Sosa-Olavarria A, D?az-Guerrero L ,Reigoza A,Berm?dez A, Murillo M. Fetal Craniopharyngioma: early prenatal diagnosis. J Ultrasound Med 2001;20:803-06.
[9] Herzog J, Makek M, Fish U. Lesions of Rathke´s duct: another indication for the infratemporal fossa approach. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998; 101(3):303-8.
[10] Kjaer I, Russel BG. The craniopharyngeal canal indicating the presence of pharyngeal adenopituitary tissue. Eur J Radiol 1995; 20:212-14.
[11] Durham LH, McKenzie IJ, Miles JB. Transphenoidal meningohydroencephalocele. Br J Neurosurg 1988; 2:407-10.
[12] Hughes ML,Carty AT, White FE. Persistent hypophyseal (craniopharyngeal) canal. Br J Radiol. 1999 ; 72:204-6.