Case report
Following images and videos show a case of iniencephaly with pentalogy of Cantrell that was seen in one twin of a dichorionic, biamniotic pregnancy. The other twin had normal morphology.
The pregnancy was uneventful until 34 weeks of pregnancy, when polyhydramnios of the affected fetus was noted (AFI 47 cm).
Healthy girl 2800 g, 47 cm and the affected fetus with iniencephaly and pentalogy of Cantrell were delivered at 37 weeks by cesarean section.
Here are the images of the affected fetus that we obtained:
Images 1, 2, videos 1, 2: The images and videos show affected fetus with acrania and massive thoracoabdominal defect with omphalocele containing liver and ectopic heart of the fetus.Â