Pentalogy of Cantrell

Adolfo Sanchez Andrade, MD.

Gabinete De Ultrasonido Diagnostico, San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. Universidad Autonoma De Morelos - Division De Posgrado.

Case report

The following images show a case of Pentallogy of Cantrell diagnosed at 14 weeks of gestation in a 23-year-old G2 P1 patient. She did not have any contributory family or personal history. She was referred to our department for gestational age assessment. During the examination we have diagnosed large defect of the abdominal wall and an ectopic heart, ectopia cordis. The patient opted for pregnancy termination.

Images 1,2: Image 1 shows an ectopic heart (*), arrow points at fetal bowel which are outside of the abdomen cavity due to the defect of the abdominal wall; Image 2 shows a actopic heart and bowel floating in the amniotic fluid.


Images 3,4: Image 3 shows a ectopic heart with the Doppler color imaging; Image 4 shows a transverse view of the abdomen, arrows point at the fetal bowel.


Images 5,6: Images show a Color Doppler of the fetal heart.


Videos 1,2: Video 1 shows fetal ectopic heart and bowel; Video 2 shows a blood flow at the level of the fetal heart.

Images 7,8: Images show a images of the fetus with the large defect of the abdominal wall with herniated bowel and heart.



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