Pentalogy of Cantrell, 12 weeks

Othman A. R. M. Al-Asali, MD.

Al-Hammadi Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Case report

The following images show a case of the pentalogy of Cantrell diagnosed at 12 weeks of pregnancy. The pregnancy was terminated and the diagnosis was confirmed.

Images 1, 2: 12 weeks of pregnancy, the images show an irregular mass in front of the fetus, representing gastroschisis (part of the pentalogy of Cantrell).


Images 3, 4: 12 weeks of pregnancy; the images show Doppler signal obtained from the ectopic heart out of the fetal chest.


Image 5: 12 weeks of pregnancy; the image shows a 3D scan of the fetus with an irregular mass protruding out of the abdomen, representing gastroschisis (part of the pentalogy of Cantrell).


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