* Pediatric Cardiology. Policlinico Umberto I. University “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy
** Reparto di ostetricia e ginecologia, Ospedale Fatebenefratelli San Pietro Rome, Italy .
*** Obstetrics Department. Policlinico Umberto I. University “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy.
**** Ultrasound Division, Ceprano Hospital, Ceprano, Italy.
Images 3,4: 17 weeks, fetus was growth restricted (growth corresponded to 15 week), see normal profile, face and axial view of the brain. The bowel is hyperechoic.
Images 5,6: 18 weeks, intrauterine fetal demise with fetal hydrops.
Images 7,8: Image 7 shows reverse flow in ductus venosus at 12 weeks and normal flow at 17 weeks. Image 8 shows theca-lutein ovarian cysts.
Images 9,10: Placenta with molar degenerations, multiple anechoic cysts, high placenta.
Videos 1,2: Videos show placentomegaly with multiple, avascular cystic areas.
Video 3: 4-chamber view, a color Doppler shows a pulmonary regurgitation.
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