Ovarian germ cell tumor

Lilit Hovsepyan, MD


Case report

23 year-old woman (G1P0) was refered to our hospital for ovarian cyst. She complains of abdominal pain, urinary frequency and dysuria. Gestational age was 19 weeks. 

During detailed ultrasound examination we didn´t find any fetal abnormalities.

In the left adnexal region we revealed a left ovarian tumor , which has been evaluated using the IOTA ( International Ovarian Tumor Agency) criteria. According to this, the tumor was malignant:

1)  M.1 - Irregular solid tumor
2)  M.2 - Presence of ascites - around 1500 ml.
3)  M.3 - Very strong blood flow (color score: 4)

Initially our diagnosis was malignant germ cells tumor-dysgerminoma. Her LDG  (lactate dehydrogenase) and CA-125 for epithelial tumors were normal.

Postoperative hystological diagnosis confirmed the ultrasound data and germ cell tumour-malignant dysgerminoma was diagnosed. Now she is under dynamic observation. 

Here are some of the images and videos that we obtained, showing the left solid ovarian tumor, with ascites and increased vascular flow.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

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