Omphalomesenteric cyst

Francois Manson, MD.

Fécamp, France.

Case report

This is an example of the omphalomesenteric cyst seen in 9th week of pregnancy. At 12 week the finding disappear and the course of pregnancy was unremarkable.

Images 1, 2: Image 1 - normal sagittal section of the embryo. Image 2: Transverse section of the umbilical cord (co) near the abdomen with an excentrically localized cystic structure (cy) of the umbilical cord near the embryo.


Images 3, 4: 9th week of pregnancy. Color Doppler and gray scale ultrasonographic images showing the umbilical cord (co) with an excentrically localized cystic structure (cy) representing the omphalomesenteric cyst.


Image 5: 9th week of pregnancy. Color Doppler image showing the umbilical cord an excentrically localized cystic structure (cy) representing the omphalomesenteric cyst.



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