Omphalocele, 29 weeks

Marcos Antonio Velasco Sanchez, MD; Candelairo Conda Moreno, MD; Oswaldo Galeana Campos, MD; Valdini Ocampos Vargas, MD

Hospital General de la S.S.A. Acapulco,Guerrero, Mexico. Unidad Obstetrica Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Instituto Mexicano de Diagnostico por Imagen – Campus Acapulco, Mexico. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, Mexico.

Case report

This is a 26-year-old-woman with non-contributive past obstetrical history. An ultrasound examination performed at 29 weeks revealed the omphalocele. The baby was delivered at 38th week of pregnancy (2980 g) and underwent surgery.

Images 1, 2. 29 weeks of pregnancy; the images show color Doppler transverse scans of the fetal abdomen at the level of the omphalocele.


Images 3, 4.  29 weeks of pregnancy; the images show color Doppler and power Doppler detailed transverse scans of the omphalocele.


Images 5, 6. Postnatal images of the neonate with the omphalocele.



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