OEIS complex

Elena Andreeva, MD; Natalia Odegova, MD.

Moscow regions Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical-Genetics Department, Russia.

Case report

This is a case of a 33-year-old primigravida with non-contributive personal or family history. She was referred to our department at 13 weeks of her pregnancy due to a suspicion of megacystis.Our ultrasound examination revealed the following findings:

• Myelomeningocele
• Cloacal exstrophy
• Dysplasia of kidneys

Parents opted for the termination of the pregnancy. Karyotype of the fetus was normal (46XX).

Images 1, 2, and video 1: 13 weeks of gestation; The images and video shows cloacal extrophy, myelomeningocele and dysplastic kidneys of the fetus.


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