Normal 3D face ?

Montse Alegre, MD.

Barcelona, Spain.

Case report

The new ultrasound techniques such as 3D imaginations enable us to improve accuracy of our investigation. It is common practice to show the face to the parents and sometimes comment how pretty their baby is... look at the nose... or the mouth.... But be careful what you say! This fetus of a low risk pregnancy appeared to be without any evident anomalies. All seemed to be perfect, and the baby was born without problems at 38 weeks, 3000 grams. 15 days later the pediatrician said that he was worried about that baby, because it had a "dysmorphic" face. Four moths later the diagnosis of the PROGERIA was confirmed. Someone asked us to revise 3D/4D images... look at some of them... they look normal. Conclusion: dysmorphology diagnosis are very difficult even with nice rendering.

Images 1, 2: 3D images of the face of the fetus.


 Images 3, 4: 3D images of the face of the fetus.



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