Fécamp, France.
Case report
Following images represent a case of unilateral fetal multicystic renal dysplasia obtained at 22, 25 and 28 weeks. One of the kidneys was multicystic with predominance of the disease in the inferior pole. The urinary bladder and amniotic fluid volume were normal. No other anomalies were seen.
The diagnosis was confirmed at birth. Surprisingly there was also an important pyelectasia of the left kidney associated with a megaureter. This lesions probably appeared after 28 weeks.
Images 1, 2: 22 weeks. Image 1 shows a transverse scan of the fetal abdomen with normal left kidney (LK) and cystic structure localized within the right kidney (C). Image 2 shows sagittal section of the right kidney with multicystic disease affecting mainly the lower portion of the parenchyma.