Department of Gynecology, FĂ©lix GuyonâHospital, 97400 Saint-Denis, RĂ©union, France.
Case report
A 28-year-old woman (G4,P3), with non-contributive history presented to our center at 22 weeks. Her first trimester nuchal scan was normal (NT 1 mm, CRL 60 mm) and so was her biochemical screening!
Our examination revealed moderate frontal edema of the fetal face, retrognathia, femur and humerus shortening (below the third percentile), pedal edema and moderate aortic hypoplasia with two intracardiac foci
Amniocentesis was refused by the parents. The newborn was delivered at 39 weeks. Retrognathia, pedal edema and aortic hypoplasia were confirmed. The following karyotyping revealed Turner syndrome of the newborn. Â
Images 1-6: 22 weeks; the images show facial profile with retrognathia and prenasal edema.