2005-07-25-17 Meningocele and diastematomyelia © Cuillier www.thefetus.net/
Service de GynĂ©cologie, CHD FĂ©lix Guyon, 97400 Saint-Denis, La RĂ©union. France. TĂ©l : 0262 90 55 40. Fax : 0262 90 77 30. Email : fabrice.cuillier@wanadoo.fr Service de GynĂ©cologie, CHI, 97400 Saint-Benois, La RĂ©union. France. Service dâobstĂ©trique, CHD, 97400 Saint-Pierre, La RĂ©union. France. TĂ©l : 0262 90 55 40. Fax : 0262 90 77 30. Email : fabrice.cuillier@wanadoo.fr
This is a 18-year-old woman G1, was referred for a second trimester prenatal scan. Serial ultrasound scans are shown below. The ultrasound features are suggestive of meningocele at the thoracic level. The amniotic fluid index was normal and the placenta was posteriorly placed. At 32 weeks of gestation, an amniocentesis was realised (46 XX).