Lymphangioma, thoraco-abdominal

Francesco Contarin, MD*; Lizbeth Vargas, MD**

*  Clinica Sanatrix, Caracas, Venezuela. 
** Policlinica La Arboleda, Caracas, Venezuela.

Case report

This is a case of a 32-year-old G2P1, with non contributive history, who was scanned at 24 weeks of gestation. Our examination revealed a multilocular cystic lymphangioma of the thoracoabdominal lateral region of the fetus. The diagnosis was confirmed postnatally. Here are some images and videos that we obtained:

Images 1, 2, 3: The images show longitudinal and transverse scans of the fetal thorax with a mass of lymphangioma bulging out of the lateral thoracoabdominal region of the fetus.


Videos 1, 2: The videos show longitudinal and transverse scans of the fetal thorax with a mass of lymphangioma bulging out of the lateral thoracoabdominal region of the fetus.

Images 4, 5, 6: The images show postnatal appearance of the fetus with thoracoabdominal lymphangioma.


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