Laryngeal atresia

Elena Andreeva, MD*; Svetlana Chuchvaga, MD*; Nina Savkova, MD*; Alexandr Michin, MD**

*  Gomel medical genetic center;
** Pathological department, Gomel, Belarus.

Case report

The following images show a case of the laryngeal atresia diagnosed at 21 weeks of pregnancy.

Images 1, 2: The images show longitudinal scans of the fetal thorax with the dilated trachea and bronchi due to laryngeal atresia. The lungs appear hyperechoic. The image 2 also shows an ascites of the fetus.


Images 3, 4: The image 3 represents a power Doppler longitudinal scan of the fetal neck and chest, with the neck vessels passing by the dilated trachea. The image 4 shows a transverse scan of the fetal thorax at the level of the four-chamber view of the heart. The heart is positioned medially and slightly compressed between hyperechoic lungs.


Images 5, 6: The images show a longitudinal (Image 5) and a transverse (Image 6) scan of the fetal abdomen demonstrating ascites.


Images 7, 8: Pathological specimens confirming the diagnosis of the laryngeal atresia.


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