Differential diagnosis:
1.                 Proteus syndrome. Characterized by asymmetric focal overgrowth, subcutaneous tumors and hemihypertrophy.
2.                 Cystic hygroma/Lymphangioma. Abnormalities of the lymphatic vessels characterized by cyst within the soft tissues usually in the nuchal region.
3.                 Sacrococcygeal teratoma. Tumors that originate from any of the three germinal layers, are solid, cystic or complex, have a disorganized appearance and can be very vascular.
4.                 CHILD. Congenital hemidysplasia, icthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects.
5.                 Beckwith Wiedeman syndrome. Characterized by gigantism in utero, macroglossia, omphalocele and renal abnormalities.
Recurrence risk: Probably none, although some cases could be an autosomal dominance inheritance[17]. There is a relationship between a single defect on either chromosome 5q or p11 and this syndrome[18]. Aelvoet et al suggested that Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome can have a multifactorial inheritance pattern in some cases, with a range of vascular malformations seen in affected families[19].
Natural history and prognosis: The ultimate prognosis depends on the location and size of the hemangiomata, which may bleed leading to life-threatening hemorrhages. In literature, there are descriptions of cases in which a lesion involving one foot had extended to entire leg 4 weeks later[20]. In another case, right leg hypertrophy and cystic cutaneous thoracic mass were present at 18 weeks and one week later, extensive subcutaneous involvement of the trunk and signs of high-output cardiac failure had appeared15. This latter phenomenon is likely to be due to the development of multiple arteriovenous fistulas[21].
Postnatal regression of the hemangiomata has been described in several instances. This is a biphasic course with intrauterine growth and neonatal variable regression15. The patients rarely need amputation, except if there are exaggerated gigantism or coagulation complications. One should always look for hemangiomata in viscera, brain, eyes and other areas.
Removal of the mixed arteriovenous hemangiomata by desarticulation of the involved limb aid in stabilization of the neonate's cardiovascular status.
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