Fig. 3: Case 3.: Disorganization of a shortened spine with (left) a large encephalocystomeningocele.
The autopsy findings included a large closed meningoencephalomyelocele and secondary deformities of the head, face, and shoulder girdle. The defect extended from the occipital region of the cranium to approximately the 8th thoracic vertebral level. The head was grossly malformed and no discrete neck was apparent. The ears were somewhat lowset and posteriorly rotated. The external genitalia were that of a male infant and the testes were identified in the inguinal canals. The posterior facets of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae were absent. No caudal neural tube defect was identified.
Diagnostic criteria
The diagnostic criteria for iniencephaly are9,10:
· A variable deficit of the occipital bones resulting in an enlarged foramen magnum
· Partial or total absence of cervical and thoracic vertebrae with an irregular fusion of those present, accompanied by incomplete closure of the vertebral arches and/or bodies
· Significant shortening of the spinal column due to marked lordosis and hyperextension of the malformed cervical-thoracic spine
· Upward turned face and mandibular skin directly continuous with that of the chest due to the lack of neck.
Most cases diagnosed prenatally have presented with high alpha-fetoprotein and/or polyhydramnios. The diagnosis is made on the extreme dorsal flexion of the head, the abnormally short and deformed cervical and thoracic spine and the overall shortening of the fetus23-32. In all three of our cases, a section could demonstrate the entire spine in a single view and it was shorter than a normal limb. The retroflexion of the head and the spinal disorganization is visible on medial-sagittal scans of the spinal column16.
Iniencephaly is a neural tube defect. The time of onset is probably only a few days later than anencephaly.
This defect is different from anencephaly in that the anterior neuropore has closed in iniencephaly. The cervical vertebrae are also normal in anencephaly, while they are very abnormal in iniencephaly. On microscopic examination of the brain, several anomalies have been detected "including microencephaly, polymicrogyria, heterotopic glial tissue in the leptomeninges, atresia of the ventricular system, marked disorganization of the brain stem, vermian agenesis, large cerebellar cyst, and disorganization of the spinal cord tissue"32.
Associated anomalies
Several other anomalies have been associated with iniencephaly. These include anencephaly, cephalocele, holoprosencephaly, agnathia-microstomia-synmelia, spina bifida, omphalocele, gastroschisis, diaphragmatic hernia or agenesis, pulmonary hypoplasia or hyperplasia, cardiac malformations, renal anomalies, overgrowth of the arms compared to the legs, genu recurvatum, arthrogryposis, club-foot and gastrointestinal atresia1,5,7-15.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis includes Klippel-Feil syndrome (shortness of the neck associated with fusion of cervical vertebrae), anencephaly, and a cervical myelomeningocele4. The differentiation between iniencephaly clausus and Klippel-Feil syndrome is difficult and controversial. Some authors feel that Klippel-Feil syndrome may be the mildest form of iniencephaly17. The distinction between iniencephaly apertus and anencephaly with spinal retroflexion relates to the time of onset5. Anencephaly arises prior to the closure of the cephalic neural folds at 24 days gestation18. Iniencephaly, on the other hand, arises after the cephalic neural tube has closed5.
Iniencephaly apertus is always fatal in the neonatal period14. Four cases of long-term survival of very mild iniencephalus clausus have been reported19,20, although in these cases, the deformity was minimal and they should probably have been classified as Klippel-Feil syndrome.
Iniencephaly has previously been regarded as a rare neural tube defect. With a better understanding of the ultrasound criteria for the iniencephaly sequence, more cases will be diagnosed with sonography.
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