Ginecology & Obstetrical Department. Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente, Concepción — Chile.
Case report:
A 20- year-old patient, with a uneventful prior pregnancy, arrived to our center with an uncontrolled pregnancy and in labour. The baby was in breech presentation so we decided to perform a caesarian section. The baby girl weighting 2600 grams and measuring 33 cm had Apgar scores of 1-1-1-1. The baby died 1 hour after delivery of complications of Iniencephaly.
In the neonatal exam, the most prominent findings were:
Head was in fixed retroflection, with short and almost absent neck. A cervical paramedial mass (50 by 50 mm of diameter) was also observed.
The newborn’s spine was hyperextended to the back.
The autopsy findings included:
Cranium: larger posterior fossa with a two cm defect in right occipital area, and herniation of the leptomeninges.
Nervous system: moderate dilatation of 4th ventricle.
Respiratory system: thoracic cage larger than normal with small lungs.
Cardiovascular system: very small left ventricle with high interventricular communication. Right-sided truncus arteriosus.
Gastrointestinal system: Slight enlargement of the liver.
Urinary Tract: Kidneys almost fused, with preserved aspect and size.
The fetus