Women"s Health Care, Nashville, Tennesse
This is a video clip of a second trimester fetus demonstrating abnormal echogenic bowel loops. Note that they are not only echogenic, they have some visible content and on occasion there appears to be fluid distension.
The distension progressed to obstruction and by the 36th week, the concern of possible meconium peritonitis from rupture was such that the baby was delivered prematurely. The obstruction had caused a secondary scrotal hernia. The baby was on assisted ventilation due to immature lungs. Surgery had to be delayed and 2 days postpartum the newborn ruptured the loops of bowel.
At surgery the atretic segment could be removed with end-to-end anastomoses.
The child suffered from malabsorption for the first 2 years of life but is doing well now growing at the 3rd percentile.