Post natal axial scan showing the multicystic dysplastic left kidney (MCK) and lower pole of the right kidney (RK) in midline anterior to the aorta (A) and inferior vena cava (I).
Etiology: horse shoe kidney is a result of fusion of upper or lower poles before the ascent of kidneys. Horse Shoe Kidney is low placed because inferior mesenteric artery prevents the isthmus
to ascend up. Multicystic kidney dysplasia is a result of ureteric obstruction in early fetal life.
Associated anomalies: Not known.
Prognosis: depends on associated anomalies. Isolated multicystic kidney carries good prognosis.
Recurrence risk: Sporadic.
Management: Does not alter obstetric management.
1.Krull F, Hoyer PF, Habenicht R, Krohn HP, Offner G, Ehrich JH, Brodehl J. Multicystic kidney dysplasia. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1990 Apr; 138(4): 202-5
2. Van Every MJ. In utero detection of horseshoe kidney with unilateral multicystic dysplasia. Urology 1992 Nov; 40(5): 435-7.
3 Borer JG, Glassberg KI, Kassner EG, Schulsinger DA, Mooppan UM. Unilateral multicystic dysplasia in 1 component of a horseshoe kidney: case reports and review of the literature. J Urol. 1994 Nov;152(5 Pt 1):1568-71.