Ultrasound picture of a hepatic cyst. The yellow arrow aims at the fetal heart. The red arrow marks the cyst. The green arrow aims at the gallbladder.
Prognosis: Due to the rarity of these tumors little is known about the natural history of these lesions. Hemangiomata are histologically benign and postnatally, the natural history tends towards spontaneous regression after infancy. However, occasionally, hemangiomas are associated with arteriovenous shunting and subsequent congestive heart failure. Heart failure and hydrops with resultant intrauterine and neonatal death have been documented[1].
[1] Gonen, R., Fong, K., Chiassen, D.A. Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of hepatic hemangioendothelioma with secondary nonimmune hydrops fetalis. Obstet Gynecol 1989; 73:485-487.