Figure 6: Cross-section of the dorsal gibbosity adjacent to the fetal spinal adjacent to the fetal spinal canal, parallel to figure 4, to illustrate the "fetus in fetu" vertebral body (arrow) and irregular lateral extensions of the lateral spinous processes. [Hematoxylin and Eosin stain, meg x 25].
Willis5 differentiated between teratomas and fetus in fetu by arbitrarily stating that the latter diagnosis required the presence of an axial skeletal system -indicating that the mass had passed through the primitive strreak stage of development. However, in some reported cases of fetus in fetus the vertebral column has been underdeveloped and difficult to identify. The presence of an amnion or umbilical cord, tissue indigenous to an embryo/fetus, is also considered acceptable diagnostic criteria for fetus-in-fetu8. Serologic assessment of one fetus-in-fetu indicated that it was a monozygous twin9.
In one case, the diagnosis of a fetus-in-fetu was made preoperatively by means of a plain abdominal radiograph10. Nocera and co-workers11 suggested that a CT scan demonstrating a tubular configuration of almost pure fat around a central body density (a leg or an arm) should suggest a diagnosis of fetus-in-fetu rather than a teratoma. To our knowledge there have only been two cases in the English literature in which a fetus in fetu was visualized with antenatal sonography12,13. In one case, a 6 cm spheroidal intra-abdominal mass was visualized in the left upper abdomen of a third trimester fetus. Since the mass contained a complex echoic pattern in which fluid, soft tissue and calcification were identified, the presumptive diagnosis was a teratoma. After delivery, a plain film of the neonatal abdomen revealed a vertebral column and a rib cage within the epigastric mass. CT examination confirmed the radiographic findings of a vertebral column. The preoperative diagnosis was therefore changed to fetus in fetu. At laparotomy, a 6 cm encapsulated mass was removed that contained an irregular fetiform mass that resembled a vertebral column, thoracic cage, clavicles, humeri, ulna and cranial vault.
Our case adds further credence to the fact that the diagnosis of a fetus in fetu may be difficult to differentiate from that of a highly organized teratoma. It is generally acknowledged that teratomas may be exceedingly complex. An intracranial teratoma has been reported with teeth, eyes, mouth, intestines and extremities14, while an ovarian teratoma has demonstrated the sequential eruption of teeth from a mandible15. Heifetz and co-workers12 have pointed out that cases of fetus in fetu behave differently from retained fetuses in abdominal pregnancies (i.e., the saponification and skeletonization of a longstanding abdominal pregnancy has not been described in cases of fetus in fetu). Finally, there have been case reports of a fetus-in-fetu and a teratoma in the same patient3,7. Both highly organized teratomas and fetus in fetu may present with different degrees of spinal dysgenesis or residual posterior enteric remnants16,17 secondary to early focal disturbance of endodermal-ectodermal differentiation18.,19.
In conclusion, fetus-in-fetu may not be a distinct entity, but actually a mature, highly organized embryonal dysgenesis, or even a teratoma that has developed into architecturally well defined and vascularized organs. It usually occurs retroperitoneally, but occasionally may occur at other sites. The antenatal sonographic detection of a fetal mass that resembles a skeleton or other fetal parts mandates a neonatal evaluation with ultrasound and CT imaging. Surgical extirpation is the treatment of choice for either a mature teratoma or the possible rare case of fetus-in-fetu.
1. Lewis RH. Foetus in Foetu and the retroperitoneal teratoma. Arch Dis Child 36;220, 1961.
2. Karkijoe T, Tahara M. Fetus in fetu located in the scrotal sac of a newborn infant: a case report. J Urol 107:506, 1972.
3. Lee EYC. Foetus in foetu. Arch Dis Child 40:689, 1965.
4. Numanuglu I, Gokdemin A, Oztop F. Fetus in fetu. J Pediatr Surg 5:472, 1970.
5. Willis RA. The structure of teratoma. J Path Bact 40:1, 1935.
6. Stephens TD, Spall R, Urfer AG, et al. Fetus amorphous or placental teratoma? Teratology 40:1, 1989.
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11. Nocera RM, Davis M, Hayden CK, et al. Fetus-in-fetu. AJR 1982; 138:762.
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