Based upon maternal history of active autoimmune thyroid disease and the delayed start of antithyroid therapy till 14 weeks of gestation due to poor antenatal care, fetal hyperthyroid goiter was expected. Ultrasound features were in agreement with this clinical expectation (fetal goiter with dominant central vascularization, borderline tachycardia and the dilated SVC and innominate veins with moderate tricuspid regurgitation due to intra glandular significant arterio venous shunting mimicking the hemodynamic effect of arterio venous malformation like vein of Galen aneurismal malformation. Fetal cord blood sampling was not done.
The mother was euthyroid at presentation due to start of anti thyroid therapy at 14 weeks gestation. Medical treatment and close follow up of fetal well-being, size of goiter, the rate of bone maturation at 31 and 35 weeks gestation with serial fetal heart rate monitoring were done and revealed stabilization of fetal condition (regression of fetal heart rate to normal values with reduction is size of thyroid gland and no signs of growth restriction, tracheal compression or heart failure) with normal rate of bone maturation. A male baby was born through a cesarean section with mild goiterous features and mild elevation of thyroid hormones. The neonatal condition was stabilized on medical treatment at the first month of life with uneventful postnatal course.Â
At 2009, Huel and his colleagues described an ultrasound score for evaluation of fetal goiter to illustrate whether it appears as a result of hypo or hyperthyroidism1. In our case, the prevalence of central vascularization (thyroid inferno pattern) with borderline tachycardia takes the score of 2 in agreement with hyperthyroidism. However, the appearance of dilated innominate veins and SVC as a consequence of significant intra glandular arterio venous shunting could be another sonographic clue for the diagnosis of fetal hyperthyroid goitre as it occurs very frequent with thyrotoxicosis.
1-Huel, C., Guibourdenche, J., Vuillard, E., Ouahba, J., Piketty, M., Oury, J.F. and Luton, D. (2009). Use of ultrasound to distinguish between fetal hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism on discovery of a goiter. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 33(4), pp.412-420.