Hospital Central Universitario Antonio María Pineda. Barquisimeto. Estado Lara-Venezuela.
Case report
A 23-year-old patient was sent to our unit at 32 weeks of pregnancy because of a sustained fetal tachycardia. During our ultrasonographic examination a bilobed cervical mass was detected on the fetus. The mass showed a rich vascularization and considering the location of the mass we suspected fetal goiter. Laboratory tests of the mother showed hyperthyroidism. The baby was delivered by a cesarean section at 38 weeks and 24 hours later presented with a thyroid storm and had to be placed at the intensive care neonatal unit. Five days later the baby was discharged and is doing well.
Images 1, 2: The image 1 shows a gray scale scan of the fetal neck with a slightly hypoechoic mass. The image 2 shows a color Doppler imagination of the mass representing the fetal goiter.