How to Edit your Profile


Dear Esteemed users of,

I would like to start a News and Notes series called "How to" with some basic instructions on how to get the most out of the website. Many of you are answering the case of the week and getting the correct answer. Your profile is being automatically posted in the "Winner's" tab on the home page. If you would like your icon to post your photograph and correct country of origin, please follow these instructions:

  • Sign in to your account by clicking the "sign in" button in the top right of the screen. You will be prompted to type in your username and password. If you would like to modify your profile, hover over your name in the top right corner of the screen. You will see a box appear with “My Profile.” Click on this button.

my profile

  • Complete the information. You can modify the country, job title and upload an image. If you would like to upload an image, hover over the picture and you will see a button “Upload Replacement.” Click on this button and choose a photo to upload. Click “Save changes” when you have finished.
upload replacement
