Images 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8: the images show color Doppler images of the pulmonary artery with supravalvular membrane during cardiac cycle:
Image 4 - first systolic phase: a narrow jet through the tiny intramembranous orifice (blue arrow) can be seen;
Image 5 - second systolic phase: forward flow within the pulmonary artery with high speed in the midstream can be seen (blue arrow);
Image 6 - third systolic phase: mild pulmonary regurgitation (red arrow) can be seen;
Image 7 - fourth systolic phase: beginning of reversed flow from the aorta - two flows in the pulmonary artery can be seen in the same phase - one from the aorta (red one) and the second one from the right ventricle (blue one);
Image 8 - fifth systolic phase: end systolic flow within the pulmonary artery - only reversed flow from the aorta can be seen.