Duplex kidney

Mohammed Karam Saoud, MD ; Imane Benchiba, MD, Nissrine Mamouni, MD , Sanaa Errarhay, MD, Chahrazed Bouchikhi, MD, Abdelaziz Banani, MD.

Obstetrics and Gynecology I - HASSAN II University Hospital – Fez- Morocco

Case report

Following 2D and color Doppler images show a case of 33-year-old woman (G3P2), who was sent to our unit due to a suspicion of duplex kidney. Our ultrasound exam was done at 35 weeks of pregnancy and confirmed the diagnosis.

2 artery


Duplex kidney called also duplication of the renal collecting system is a condition in which a kidney is divided into separate upper and lower pole, each drained by a ureter. Obstruction of the upper moiety suggests an abnormal implantation of its ureter.

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