Duodenal atresia

Marcos Antonio Velasco Sanchez, MD; Candelario Conda Moreno, MD; Andres Zurita Zurita, MD; Juan de Dios Bautista, MD; Miguel Angel Albarran, MD

Centro de EstudiosĀ  e InvestigacionĀ  EnĀ  Salud Materno Fetal de la Secretaria de Salud del Estado de Guerrero, Mexico.

Hospital GeneralĀ  Dr. Donato G. Alarcon de Ciudad Renacimiento, Acapulco,Guerrero, Mexico.

Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, Mexico.

Case report

This is a case of a 22-year-old G2 P1 who came to our department for the ultrasound scan at 36 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound revealed an increased amount of the amniotic fluid and "double-bubble" sign, typical for duodenal atresia. No other abnormalities were detected during the examination. Patient delivered at 38 weeks and duodenal atresia was confirmed after delivery. Neonate underwent surgery and is doing well.

Images 1,2: Transverse view of the stomach (St) and duodenum (D), both stomach and duodenum are dilated due to duodenal atresia, characteristic "double-bubble" sign.


Images 3,4: Dilated stomach (St) and duodenum (D) with pylorus in between.


Images 5,6: Image 5 shows a fetal profile. Image 6 shows maleĀ sex and increased amount of the amniotic fluid characteristic for duodenal atresia.


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