Duodenal atresia

Marcos Antonio Velasco Sanchez, MD, Candelario Conda Moreno, MD., Andres Zurita Zurita, MD., Arturo Avila Sanchez MD

Departamento de Ultrasonido y de Cirurgia Pediatrica, Hospital General Donato G.Alarcon de Ciudad Renacimiento, S.S.A. Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico, Facultad de Medicina de la U.A.G., Mexico.

Case report

This is a case of a 26-year-old G4 P3 who came to our department for ultrasound scan at 35 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound revealed an increased amount of the amniotic fluid and "double-bubble" sign, typical for duodenal atresia. No other abnormality was detected during the examination.

Patient delivered at 37 weeks and duodenal atresia was confirmed after delivery. Neonate underwent surgery and is doing well.

Images 1,2: "Double-bubble" sign, stomach and dilated duodenum.


Images 3,4: Image 3 shows increased amount of the amniotic fluid. Image 4 shows an ultrasound image of the abdomen after delivery, note distended stomach and duodenum.


Images 5,6: Abdominal ultrasound of the neonate, dilated stomach and duodenum.


Videos 1,2: Postnatal abdominal ultrasound of the dilated stomach and duodenum.

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